We are Dori and Jorge, two wine enthusiasts that decided to fulfil our dream. We started this project in a small winery at D.O. Ribeiro in Spain out of pure passion for winemaking and just to be able to elaborate our own wines.
A nosa aventura comezou en Lugo no ano 2009, onde chegamos por razóns de traballo. Entón coñecemos a Mercedes e o club de cata Vitislucus, que nos iniciaron na paixón polo viño. Isto permitiunos coñecer os procesos de elaboración, as paisaxes e as persoas que, coma nós o facemos agora, vivían con intensidade a elaboración dos seus viños.
A aventura parece un pouco aloucada pois somos enxeñeiros de formación, nacidos lonxe das zonas vitícolas de Galicia e sen experiencia previa nin tradición familiar no sector. Pero a paixón e o entusiasmo levounos a recorrer Galicia na busca do viñedo perfecto para elaborar os nosos propios viños.
É así como en 2016 chegamos ó Ribeiro da man do noso enólogo Pablo Estévez, axuda fundamental para sacar adiante o proxecto.
Our project started to germinate first as an interest in learning, then as a slightly crazy idea and it ended as a need that found its way to be satisfied by elaborating our own wines. It’s a deeply personal project that tries to turn a passion into a lifestyle. It’s strongly linked to the soil, to the tradition and to the connection we feel with nature. The search was not easy but by the beginning of 2016 we found just what we were looking for in Astariz (Castrelo de Miño) at D.O. Ribeiro: a property of 2 Ha, planted only with native varieties and gathering all the perfect conditions to produce top quality wines. All this surrounded with a privileged environment full of history and amazing landscapes.
“The essence,
the most exquisite and pure
to the palate and to taste”
“The essence, what has more substance of something”
“Pleasant taste or flavour of something”
Royal Dictionary of Galician language
Our name Celme is just a reflex of our own philosophy. With our wines we try to transmit the essence and the very best of our vineyard. Taking care of our vines is the core activity of our project. We believe that excellence in winemaking only comes from excellent grapes. Our efforts start in the vineyard but they extend to all the process taking care of each and every single detail from the vineyard to the final packaging.
Our commitment goes beyond the quality of our wines, it is a serious commitment with the environment and the future of our region. We work on a sustainable manner in order to minimize the ecological and biological impact over the environment. We can proudly say that our work is now 100% sustainable , but it’s been a long journey until we got here. From the first day we eradicated the use of herbicides and chemical fertilizers, substituting them for mechanical processes and organic manure. Since then we’ve been introducing changes in our work, and we expect to keep doing so to go beyond that and reduce even more the impact of our activity in every way we possibly can.
We complement the more traditional work on the vineyard with innovation on our facilities. We use stainless steel tanks with reduced capacity and temperature control; a special configuration with conveyor belts and selection equipment; and this guarantees the gentlest manipulation of our grapes during the process. Innovation on the methodology allows us to elaborate our wines in the same old traditional way ensuring at the same time excellence and a minimum intervention on the process.
As a logical evolution of our work and our philosophy, and after a few tests in some areas of our vineyard, in 2019 we started working 100% according to the principles of organic farming. Almost at the same time we the certification process of the ecological production of our vineyard. It’s a long process as this reconversion requires a period of at least 3 years with frequent inspections and auditing of our work. We expect to achieve the ecological certification of our work by 2022 and all our products will be certified as organic since then.
Ecological production is not easy, it implies much harder work in the vineyard and a considerable reduction of our production (up to 80% less in the most difficult years). We accept with enthusiasm the challenge as the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. It is the only way to protect the environment around, our health and the health of those around us who consume our products. It is as well the only way to be more responsible on the way we produce and consume.